
Yelets State University of Benin

    Yelets State University of Bunin

    The university is the city-forming institution of Yelets. More than 7 thousand people work and study in its various divisions. The university is influenced by the cultural and educational environment of Yelets and the district; actively cooperates with the Yelets Orthodox Gymnasium.


    • Agroindustrial Institute
    • Institute Of Culture, History And Law
    • Institute Of Mathematics, Natural Science And Technology
    • Institute Of Economics, Management And Service Technologies
    • Institute Of Psychology And Pedagogy
    • Institute Of Physical Culture, Sport And Bz
    • Institute Of Philology
    • Medical Faculty


    The faculty was organized in 2021.

    The faculty provides training in the following areas of training and specialties:


    31.05.01 General medicine

    31.05.02 Pediatrics

    35.05.01 Pharmacy

    37.05.01 Clinical psychology


    44.03.04 Vocational training (by industry), focus (profile) Organization of healthcare and public health

    Research work at the faculty is organically woven into its main activity and is aimed at training medical, scientific, and pedagogical personnel following the concept of continuous medical education, as well as at conducting fundamental and applied scientific research on the main theoretical and clinical biomedical problems.


    The Institute of Economics, Management, and Service Technologies was established on September 02, 2022. Training of specialists in the sphere of economics has been carried out at the university since 1995. Training of specialists in the sphere of service and tourism has been conducted since 2001.


    38.03.01 – Economics – by profile: Accounting, analysis and audit; Finance and business analytics; Accounting and business analytics;

    38.03.02 – Management – by profile: Digitalization in enterprise management; Marketing and business management;

    38.03.04 – State and municipal administration – by profile: Regional and municipal administration;

    03/43/01 – Service in the hotel and restaurant business – by profile: Event, animation service, and event management;

    03/43/02 – Tourism – by profile: Organization of tourism; innovative information technologies in tourism.

    Key scientific directions

    Modern aspects of development and improvement of the financial mechanism of enterprises in the region;

    Economics and management of the national economy, enterprises, and industry complexes (agro-industrial complex and agriculture);

    Theory and practice of tourism development in the conditions of the innovative economy of the Russian Federation: spatial and sectoral aspects.


    The Institute of Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology was established on September 15, 2014, by merging the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and the Faculty of Engineering and Physics.

    There are three departments in the structure of the Institute of Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology: Physics and Mathematics, Engineering Physics, and the Department of Natural Science.

    The institute has three departments:

    • mathematical modeling, computer technology, and information security
    • mathematics and methods of its teaching
    • physics, radio engineering, and electronics (head of the department – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Fortunova N.A.)

    At present, the Institute of Mathematics, Natural Science, and Technology is an effectively functioning and steadily developing structural subdivision of Yelets State University. I.A. Bunin.

    The mission of the institute is to train personnel in the field of information technology, programming, and mathematical methods for the region and the country, who can apply new methods and algorithms, use innovative software products, and specialists who can carry out research projects, self-learn and adapt in the rapidly changing world of big data and smart technologies. » technologies ready for continuous professional growth, social and professional mobility.


    Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin is one of the oldest universities in Russia. Together with him, the library grew and developed. The history of the library begins at the beginning of the 20th century when a new type of educational institution for workers and peasants arose in the country – Workers’ Faculties (workers’ faculties).

    The library today provides its users with a wide range of services based on modern information technologies. Users are provided with access to electronic educational resources, electronic library systems, and legal reference systems.

    In October 2018, the library of Yelets University. I.A. Bunin as a separate structural subdivision of the university ceased to exist and became part of the Department of Educational Policy. The library was renamed the Department of Information and Library Support of the Scientific and Educational Process. The library fund in operational management for this period amounted to 570,291 units of storage, educational and educational publications – 249,995 copies. Network electronic resources of remote access – 1 367000 copies. The main emphasis is on the acquisition of electronic resources, and purchases of printed educational publications occur in very small quantities.


    Sports base: sports grounds: volleyball, basketball, football, badminton, shot-throwing, covered gazebo for table tennis, children’s playground.

    Sports equipment: stationary bars, horizontal bars, as well as weights, balls, tennis rackets, pedal boats, boats, etc.

    Students of the sports faculty annually attend training camps on this basis. Students of two specialties (physical culture and life safety) participate in the training camp. Since 2012, students studying in the specialty of adaptive physical culture have been attracted.


    The student dormitory is located not far from the university. Protected and managed 24 hours a day. Students have access to WI-FI, comfortable corridors, a living room, and a separate study room. Students also have the opportunity to prepare local dishes in the fully equipped kitchen. The campus is located in the green area of ​​the city. There is a bus stop nearby so you can easily go anywhere in the city.



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