
Voronezh State University

    Voronezh State University

    Voronezh State University is one of Russia’s leading public research universities whose history can be traced back to 1802.

    In 1802 following a decree of Russian Emperor Alexander I Yuriev (Derpt) University in Estonia was established. The German occupation of Estonia during the First World War necessitated the relocation of Yuriev university to Central Russia and the City of Voronezh was chosen as a suitable location.

    In 1918 the University staff and students moved from Yuriev (currently Tartu) to Voronezh, hence its new name – Voronezh State University. Voronezh State University is currently one of the country’s most renowned universities and it prides itself on being the largest research university in the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation.

    The university comprises 18 faculties, 16 research laboratories, 10 research and development centers, and a university library that houses more than 3 000 000 books, periodicals, and manuscripts.


    • Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    • Chemistry
    • Computer Sciences
    • Economics
    • Geography, Geoecology and Tourism
    • Geology
    • History
    • International Relations
    • Journalism
    • Law
    • Mathematics
    • Medicine and Biology
    • Pharmaceutics
    • Philology
    • Philosophy and Psychology
    • Physics
    • Roman and Germanic Philology


    • One of the oldest departments of Voronezh State University whose history and development are entwined with the history of Yuriev (Derpt) University.
    • A powerful and dynamically developing structural division with a multilevel system for training specialists.
    • Leading positions in educational activities and research.
    • All the necessary infrastructure for the high-quality theoretical and practical training of students.
    • Leading research institutions, nature reserves, national parks, etc. are involved in the educational process. Among them are research centers such as the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Microorganism Physiology, Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences, Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Centre “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kovalevsky Institute of Southern Seas Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
    • Active and fruitful participation in the development of international cooperation and the integration of education programs in the European academic community.
    • Joint research projects in the area of biochemistry, zoology, parasitology, ecology, and soil studies with leading Russian and international research centers.
    • The development of high-priority technologies in the area of biomedicine in cooperation with international universities and colleagues.


    • A unique community of lecturers, including a pharmacist, biologists, philologists, and doctors.
    • Expertise since 1993.
    • Over 60 disciplines (history of pharmacy and medicine, Latin language and bioethics, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical engineering, pharmacy business organization, pharmaceutical marketing and management, pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical counseling, and others).
    • 4 educational levels/stages (secondary vocational education, specialist’s degree, postgraduate and residency programs).
    • Further professional education programs.
    • Application of state-of-the-art electronic educational resources and distance learning technologies.
    • Staff members of the faculty are many-time laureates of the prize of the Government of the Voronezh Region for their work in the area of research and education.
    • Over 2,000 publications, including 62 patents of the Russian Federation, 2 discoveries, 12 monographs, and over 200 didactic materials.
    • The graduates and postgraduate students of the faculty have used their professional qualities and personal talents to build successful careers in teaching, management, the pharmaceutical industry, and business.


    Four basic principles were taken into consideration when developing the concept for the new faculty in 1999 and later when shaping the strategy of the faculty development aimed at providing training of specialists in the most modern areas of IT technologies and programming:

    • Matching the global trends and areas for the development of IT technologies and the areas of their application. Matching the level of education in these areas provided by the leading world universities.
    • Maintaining the fundamental traditions of the classical university, in particular the unique traditions of natural faculties at VSU. This includes both the approach to fundamental training and research and a certain (unique) atmosphere at the departments and the faculty as a whole.
    • Maximum interaction with potential employers and world IT brands. Development of new forms of such interaction.
    • Providing conditions for practical classes and individual learning by students.

    The faculty uses the latest approaches to the organization of the educational process and individual learning by students. The curriculum is based on the fundamental classical physical and mathematical university education and includes an extensive set of professional disciplines.


    • One of the largest and most important university faculties.
    • Over 3,000 Russian and international students completed various programs.
    • The leading center of economic education and economic science in the region.
    • A high position among economic universities and faculties in the country.
    • Active cooperation with the business community and authorities.
    • Close cooperation with employers, engaging corporate partners in the process of student training.
    • Organization of regular international conferences.


    • large research and information center of the Central Black Earth Region;
    • library and information service meeting international standards;
    • over 3 m. titles in more than 40 ancient and modern languages;
    • subscription to periodicals and remote access to full-text documents concerning all the academic and research areas of the University;
    • 14 sections;
    • 11 study rooms;
    • Book Museum;
    • Book History Museum;
    • rare books section containing over 60 thousand items dated from the XVI century until the present day;
    • foreign languages section containing over 200 thousand volumes;
    • complete electronic catalog of the library funds (over 900 thousand entries)
    • joint catalog of Voronezh public libraries;
    • VSU e-library;
    • wireless network, copying equipment, lamination, and binding services.


    The Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the major strategic partners of the University. Research is conducted in constant collaboration with the RAS institutions – VSU has joint research laboratories with 14 research institutes of the RAS.

    VSU has partnership agreements with 109 universities and many research and development centers:

    • Belarusian State University Joint research projects;
    • Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for Synchrotron Radiation BESSY II, Berlin (Germany)
    • Joint research projects, papers, post-graduate school (physics);
    • Synchrotron Radiation Centre at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (USA)
    • Joint research projects, publications, post-graduate school;
    • The National Scientific Centre Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology;
    • The Institute of Physics (IOP) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
    • The Argonne National Laboratory (USA);
    • The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA);
    • The Laboratory of Nuclear Physics (Grenoble, France);
    • Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Germany);
    • Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany);
    • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR);
    • University P & M Curie Paris VI (Paris, France);
    • The University of Nebraska (Lincoln, USA);
    • University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA);
    • University of Palermo (Palermo, Italy);
    • Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel);
    • Osaka University (Japan);
    • FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Graz, Austria);
    • The Institute of Entrepreneurial Activity (Minsk, Belarus);
    • Russian-Tajik Slavonic University;
    • The National Centre of Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus;
    • Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania);
    • The University of Keele (Germany) and the Keele University School of Law (Germany);
    • German University of Administrative Sciences (Speyer, Germany);
    • The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany);
    • German Judicial Academy (Wustrau, Germany);
    • Mie University (Japan);
    • Tashkent State University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan);
    • Tashkent State University of Law (Tashkent, Uzbekistan);
    • The University named after D.A. Kunaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
    • The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

    Among the University’s strategic partners are the leading industrial enterprises of the region. The joint projects include 10 research and industrial innovation centers, such as an educational, research, and industrial center of space and rocket technology in collaboration with OAO Chemical Automatics Design Bureau, and an educational, research, and industrial center of radio engineering and electronics jointly with OAO Concern Sozvezdie. Other industrial partners of VSU include OAO Voronezhselmash, OAO Voronezh semiconductor plant OAO “VZPP – S”, OAO Vodmashoborudovanie, OAO Efko, etc.

    The University’s strategic partners also include the leading universities of the country such as Moscow State University, the National Research University of Electronic Technology, Saint Petersburg State University, and the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod.


    The university provides accommodation to all international undergraduate students in hostels within campus premises.

    The rooms in the students’ hostel of residence are typically shared by two to three students. There are cooking facilities on each floor. The hostels provide certain other facilities such as clean bedding and access to televisions in the common rooms.



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