
Tomsk Polytechnic University

    Tomsk Polytechnic University

    rec tomskpolitehBeing the oldest engineering higher school in the Asian part of Russia, Tomsk Polytechnic University has become an alma mater for generations of graduates, brilliant researchers, inspiring political and public figures, gifted teacher, and excellent engineers. Today TPU is a national research university which places special emphasis on advanced engineering education, the creation of resource-efficient technologies, internationalization, and integration of rese^arch and academic activities.

    Tomsk Polytechnic University was founded in 1896 as Tomsk Technological Institute of Emperor Nicholas II. The first technical higher educational institution in the Asian part of Russia was led by Professor Efim Zubashev who laid the foundation for the development of the best traditions of TPU as a large Siberian center for education and research.

    Tomsk Technological Institute (TTI) ensured education and training of highly qualified engineers, which strengthened the industry and economy in Siberia, the Far East and the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizia, and etc.). TTI established remarkable schools in the field of chemistry, mechanical engineering and materials science, physics and mathematics, electrical and power engineering, mining and geology, and building and architecture.

    tom recResearchers and graduates of mining and geological school of academicians V.A. Obruchev and M.A. Usov played a key role in the development of petroleum, coal and metallurgical industries in the eastern part of the country. Over 350 out of 14 thousand graduates of Siberian mining and geological school discovered mineral fields. Over 50 of them became laureates of Lenin and Governmental Awards, 15 were given the title of academicians and member-correspondents of the USSR Academy of Science (Russian Academy of Sciences), over 50 were awarded a doctoral degree and 800 became candidates of sciences (PhD).  Researchers and graduates of the institute were actively participating in design, construction, and launch of main industrial enterprises in the Ural, the Far East and Siberia (Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant, sites in Novosibirsk, mines in Kuzbass area).

    In 1925 by the decree of Siberian Revolutionary Committee TTI changed its name into Siberian Technological Institute, and in 1934 it was reorganized into Tomsk Industrial Institute.

    An important step in the development of the University as research and educational, methodical and engineering center was connected with the name of Professor A.A. Vorobiev. In 1944 Rector Vorobiev made it possible to award the status of polytechnic institute. New research fields began to develop at Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (TPI): radio engineering, electronics and automation, nuclear power engineering, cybernetics and computer engineering, high voltage engineering, engineering and technology of directional drilling, molecular physics, plasma physics and chemistry, and etc.

    In the 1960s, the Institute continued enhancement of its research infrastructure. TPI founded 4 research institutes (Institute of Nuclear Physics, High Voltage Institute, Institute of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing), launched the largest in the USSR synchrotron «Sirious» (1,5 GeV), and the only educational and research reactor beyond the Urals. At the same time, TPI was contributing a lot to space exploration studies. TPI researchers were involved in the creation of electron defectoscope applied for monitoring of special articles of rocket technology.

    During democratic changes in the country and transition to market economy, Tomsk Polytechnic Institute was led by Professor Yuri P. Pokholkov, under the auspices of whom a new concept of university reformation and development in social and economic conditions was created.

    rec tomskIn 1991 due to its academic and research achievements, TPI was awarded the status of Technical University. Since 1991 Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) has been developing in compliance with five-year Complex Development Programmes (CDP). CDP of Tomsk Polytechnic University became one of the most critical innovations in Russian education which was approved and supported by the RF Government. CDP represents the forecast of university development identifying its objectives, ways to achieve them and necessary resources, as well as strategic action plan aimed at the achievement of set objectives. The first TPU CDP for 1991–1995 ensured conditions for university transformation from polytechnic institute to polytechnic university and for university development, specialist training, the creation of advanced engineering and technology background. The second TPU CDP for 1996–2000 provided dynamic development of the university during the formation of market economy in the country and transition to post-industrial society. The third TPU CDP for 2001–2005 contributed to university integration into international research and educational community.

    During the implementation of the fourth TPU CDP (2006–2010) the special emphasis was placed on innovative research, high technologies development, education, and training of graduates capable of ensuring positive changes in the Russian economy and improving its competitiveness in the world.

    In 2007 the university became the winner of innovative educational programmes competition in the framework of Priority National Project “Education”. The objective of TPU Innovative Programme included education of elite specialists and professional teams of the world-class in priority areas of science, engineering, and technology. In 2007-2008 approximately 1 bln. rubles was allocated for its implementation. Within two years of Innovative Educational Programme implementation TPU purchased modern specialized facilities for 660 mln.rub., ensured the mass transition to licensed software, modernized 155 classrooms, developed 678 items of innovative educational methodical resources, provided professional development to 1043 staff members, including 393 in foreign universities and research centers.

    rec tpuIn 2009 Tomsk Polytechnic University was among the winners of the 1st round of the competition for the award of the status of national research university (NRU) organized by the RF Ministry of Education and Science. 1.8 bln. rubles were allocated by the RF Ministry of Education and Science for the implementation of university development programme until 2018.

    The fifth Complex Development Programme for 2011–2015 is based on conditions of TPU Development Programme for 2009–2018 as a national research university. University CDP consists of 7 large blocks defining the development strategy of educational, research, financial, economic and administrative activity. Innovative Development Programmes (IDP) of TPU structural divisions are an integral part of CDP. Being university fundamental document CDP includes response to internal and external challenges that the university faces today.

    Currently, TPU is among the TOP international university by the Times Higher Education, the QS World University Ranking, and others rankings. Active development of a research facility and close attention to academic staff allowed the University to carve out a niche in a number of research areas, including materials sciences, nuclear medicine, the Arctic studies, big data, green energy, fresh water issue, and others.

    Bachelor and Specialist Degree:

    The Tomsk University is proud of its Bachelor programs in various engineering fields. Most of the program was designed in collaboration with national and international industrial and academic partners.

    • Automation of Processes and Productions in Petroleum Industry
    • Smart Mechatronic and Robotic Systems
    • Industrial Design
    • Geoecology
    • Land Management
    • Survey, Exploration, Engineering and Geological Study of Groundwater (Specialist degree)
    • Petroleum Geology (Specialist degree)
    • Geological Survey, Prospecting and Exploration of Solid Mineral Fields (Specialist degree)
    • Geophysical Well Logging (Specialist degree)
    • Programming of Computer and Information Systems
    • Information Systems in Business and Industry
    • Development of Software and Information Systems
    • Information Systems and Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing
    • Emergency Protection
    • Plasma-Beam and Electric Discharge Technologies
    • Power Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Materials Science and Technology
    • Welding Equipment and Technologies
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Optoelectronic Equipment and Systems
    • Information Systems and Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing
    • Emergency Protection
    • Construction and Operation of Technical Facilities in Petroleum Industry
    • Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields
    • Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Chemical Technology in Biology and Medicine
    • Applied Mathematics in Engineering
    • Physics
    • Biotechnology
    • Applied Electronic Engineering
    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Nuclear Physics and Technology
    • Control Systems for Technological Processes and Physical Equipment  (Specialist degree)
    • Chemical Technology of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Materials (Specialist degree)
    • Design and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (Specialist degree)
    • Mining Machinery and Equipment (Specialist degree)

    Graduate Degrees:

    Tomsk Polytechnic University pays close attention to development of academic program and educational process, striving to provide students with advanced knowledge in the key areas of science and technology. The University offers the following Master programs in English:

    • Nuclear Medicine
    • Nuclear Power Installations Operation
    • Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
    • Big Data Solutions
    • Materials Science
    • Electric Power Generation and Transportation
    • Physics

    Postgraduate Degree Programs:

    tomsk recPostgraduate programs or candidate of science (close international equivalent is PhD) of Tomsk Polytechnic University are recognized all around the world and meet relevant international standards. The University offers 75 postgraduate programs in the areas of engineering, mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, geology, economics, philosophy, philology, pedagogy, art history, and earth sciences. The University’s Postgraduate and Doctoral Office can provide you detailed information about research supervisors and research topics. The International Admission Office can consult you about tuition fees and funding. All programs are carried out in Russian. The contacts are provided below.

    TPU is in the TOP-5 Russian engineering universities, the TOP-100 BRICS universities, and the TOP-300 world universities by the international rankings Times Higher Education and QS World University Rankings. In addition, the University is a member of T.I.M.E. (Top Industrial Managers of Europe). The total area of the University academic facility is about 220,000 square kilometers. There are more than 20 international laboratories and centers in mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, chemistry, nuclear sciences, and many others, where you can receive real research experience. TPU has a supercomputer cluster, more than 5,000 computers, advanced research equipment, and nuclear research reactor. Above all, the University actively collaborates with international universities, laboratories, and centers, providing an opportunity for international academic mobility and internships.

    • Mathematics and Mechanics
    • Physics and Astronomy
    • Chemical Sciences
    • Earth Sciences
    • Informatics and Computer Science
    • Information Security
    • Photonics, Instrument Engineering, Optical and Biotechnological Systems and Technologies
    • Power and Thermal Engineering
    • Nuclear, Thermal and Renewable Energy and Related Technologies
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Chemical Technology
    • Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology
    • Technosphere Safety
    • Geology, Exploration and Development of Mineral Resources
    • Technologies of Materials
    • Management in Engineering Systems
    • Economics
    • Education and Pedagogical Sciences
    • Linguistics and Literary Studies
    • Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies
    • Art History


    • Educational Laboratory
    • Scientific Library
    • Gym
    • Planetarium
    • Sports Complex
    • Internet Class


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