
South Ural State University

    South Ural State University

    South Ural State University is a university with interesting history and diverse traditions, this is a multidisciplinary educational institution that is famous for its scientific achievements, high educational preparation level, fundamental and academic basis, material and technical facility for the purposes of research activities, and educational process.

    The history of the university is a series of successive stages of dynamic development. From an institute consisting only of two faculties, it has become a national research university, a scientific and educational center not only of the South Ural region but also of the country. Today SUSU is a platform of innovative developments, a starting point for modern youth, for a generation of ambitious and self-confident people, and their challenging ideas and projects. 


    • Institute of Architecture and Construction
    • School of Medical Biology
    • School of Economics and Management
    • School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
    • Institute of Linguistics and International Communications
    • Institute of Media, Social Sciences and Humanities
    • Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
    • Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service
    • Institute of Engineering and Technology
    • Institute of Law
    • Institute of Open and Distance Education
    • Institute of Supplementary Education


    In 2016, the University established a unique and innovative department that combined the most outstanding achievements in the fields of Fundamental and Biomedicine, Food and Biotechnologies, and Clinical Psychology

    The study of molecular mechanisms of stress, and the development of technologies for the production of functional purpose products for adaptive nutrition have become a newly created exclusive growing point for the breakthrough areas of global scientific development.

    School of Medicine Biology prepares future specialists in the fields of biotechnology, functional nutrition, and clinical psychology.

    School of Medicine Biology alumni receive modern education based on interdisciplinary connections of medicine and biology with chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and engineering.


    School of Economics and Management is the engine for breakthrough changes happening at SUSU.

    The best scientific, academic, and student traditions of the SUSU economic faculties are concentrated in this subdivision. The School of Economics and Management combines the professor and teaching body of the faculties of Economics and Management, Economics and Business, the Institute of Economics, Trade, and Technologies, and the International Faculty.

    Within the School of Economics and Management, ambitious projects are being released for the first time in the Ural region, such as the zone of elite training for applicants with high marks on the EGE, and the zone for elite business education in MBA programs. Students of the SEM will be actively involved in the innovative business sphere of the university (youth business incubator, innovation center, virtual bank and the stock market, and so on).

    Among the most important advantages of the School of Economics and Management are – inclusion in the academic process such models and techniques of education as MOOC, LMS, E-learning, and the use of professional cases (Laboratory of Cases) within the academic process.

    Students of the SEM will go through their education in an English-speaking atmosphere. At their disposal: English-speaking education programs and international, world-class economists. The School of Economics will realize dual degree programs with leading universities in the USA, China, Europe, and countries of the SCO. The SEM structure offers strengthened mathematic training for economists.


    School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science unites the Faculty of Computer Technologies, Control and Radio Engineering (Instrument Engineering) and the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, and continues the 60-year-old tradition of technical and engineering education at the South Ural.

    The goal of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science is to create a scientific and educational environment targeted at training specialists in the field of instrument engineering, radio electronics, automated control, information security, computer science, and software engineering.

    The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science performs training of bachelors, specialists, masters, candidates, and doctors of sciences in such areas as instrument engineering, motion control systems, and navigation, aircraft control systems, control in engineering systems, information communication technologies and communication systems, design and technology of electronic devices, radio-electronic systems and complexes, computer science and computer engineering, information security, program engineering, fundamental informatics, and information technology.


    Due to Project 5-100 implementation in 2016, all the engineering faculties of South Ural State University were joined into a new intrauniversity structure, the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

    Originally, South Ural State University was established as a polytechnic higher education institution. Its scientific and educational process had been technically oriented for many years. The unification of all engineering faculties of the base industrial sectors has propelled the University to a fundamentally new level. It allows us to integrate all educational and scientific resources and, thus, maximize the University’s competitiveness and strengthen its leading position in the field of engineering knowledge both in the South Ural capital and beyond.


    Under Project 5-100, SUSU established eight international research laboratories headed by leading scientists from the USA, Canada, India, Slovakia, France, Great Britain, and Mexico. Owing to the international collaboration during 2016-2018, the University has successfully published articles in a variety of influential journals indexed in Scopus and WoS, including Nature, Energy Fuels, Journal of Luminescence, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Green Processing and Synthesis, and others.


    South Ural State University offers a broad range of laboratories, centers, and institutes equipped with high-tech facilities for cutting-edge research. Our scientists and students cross boundaries and develop interdisciplinary projects ranging from researching microparticles to finding solutions to global challenges. South Ural State University is committed to exploring innovative ideas and furthering humans’ understanding of the world around us. The University actively promotes the culture of international collaboration as it stands on the geographical border between Europe and Asia. We believe that only multicultural partnerships can drive progress forward and result in groundbreaking ideas that make our planet a better place.


    South Ural State University actively supports and broadens its international connections. The university has signed more than 140 active agreements with international universities, transnational corporations, and the largest manufacturing companies from 48 countries of the world.

    SUSU is developing academic mobility and offers dual degree master’s programs with Clark University (USA), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), Zhanjiang Ocean University (China), and Sichuan University (China). A Center of Sociocultural Adaptation is offered at the university for international students.

    Today, more than 2000 international students study at SUSU in various degree programs and areas of study.


    The dormitory system is well-organized and equipped with everything you need for comfortable living conditions. 100% of arriving students are provided with accommodation in hostels.

    On campus territory, there are 2 student clinics, student shops, and cafes, playgrounds. In a dormitory, there are libraries and reading rooms with free Wi-Fi internet. For leisure, the student dormitories are equipped with modern sports facilities.



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