
Rostov State University

    Rostov State University

    SFedU traces its history back to 1915. Many students have already had the opportunity to appreciate the advantages of studying at SFedU, some of which are listed below.

    • The deserved top place occupied by SFedU in the academic rankings of Russian universities;
    • Diverse opportunities for postgraduate and further education; the well-developed network of university branches in the South of Russia
    • A leading position in the area of innovations and research; integration of research into education; up-to-date research facilities and appliances; collaboration with the Russian Academy of Sciences and international research facilities
    • Extensive supportive infrastructure for increased efficiency of professional and research training
    • Great diversity and flexibility of study programs SFedU applicants can pick and choose from a range of Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degree programs in the broadest range of sciences and humanities
    • Up-to-date research facilities and opportunities for young researchers
    • The global strength of our reputation and qualifications. International dimension

    SFedU strives to make sure that all the study programs we offer are kept in line with international standards and the principles of the Bologna Declaration. SFedU maintains partnership links with numerous highly-reputed universities and research centers worldwide.


    • Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
    • Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies
    • ​​​​​​​Academy of Psychology and Educational Sciences
    • Academy of Physical Culture and Sport
    • ​​Higher School of Business
    • Institute for Advanced Technologies and Piezotechnics
    • Institute of History and International Relations
    • Institute for Mathematics, Mechanics,​​ ​​​​​and Computer Science
    • in the name of I.I. Vorovich
    • Institute for Earth Sciences
    • Institute for Sociology and Regional Studies
    • Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communications
    • Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies
    • Faculty of Management
    • Faculty of Physics
    • Faculty of Chemistry
    • Faculty of Economics
    • Faculty of Law
    • The Smart Materials Research Institute
    • Research institute of physics
    • ​​​​​​​Research-scientific Institute of Physical & Organic Chemistry


    The Higher School of Business of the Southern Federal University was created in 2013 based on the Institute of Economics and Foreign Economic Relations. It is a structural unit (a faculty) of the largest university in southern Russia – the Southern Federal University.

    HSB SFEDU is a member of the European Council for Business Education, with headquarters in Geneva and Brussels, coordinating educational processes and disseminating modern business education technologies. HSB SFEDU is a corporate member of the Russian Association of Business Education, the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia, and the Chamber of Tax Advisers of Russia. The mission of the Higher School of Business of the Southern Federal University is to help create an environmentally friendly business atmosphere, train civilized entrepreneurs, innovative managers with social responsibility.


    The Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science (Mehmat) is the largest among the institutes of the natural science profile in SFedU until 2006 it was called the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. The name change is connected with the expansion of the profile of the institute and the opening in 2005 of the direction of training “Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies”. Thus, at present, the institute has the whole range of areas and specialties presented in its name:

    • Maths;
    • Applied mathematics and informatics;
    • Mechanics and mathematical modeling;
    • Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology;
    • Information systems and technologies.


    The Faculty of Management was established in 2014.

    This was due to the rapid development of the direction “Management” and the lack of highly qualified managerial personnel in the economy of the region and the country as a whole.

    The educational process at the Faculty of Management is carried out according to basic and additional educational programs developed

    based on federal state educational standards, taking into account the requirements of professional standards and a dynamically changing labor market.

    The faculty works in close contact with the scientific departments of the university, using their information, scientific, technical, and personnel base.


    The University is one of the leading research centers in Russia. It creates the right conditions for research, both applied and basic, and supports all disciplines, from the humanities to sciences and natural sciences.

    The development of the scientific and innovative potential of the university is carried out in various research areas, which correspond to priority trends in science and technology. SFedU stands out among Russian higher education institutions also due to the highest number of grants awarded.

    The university comprises a number of actively developing scientific schools conducting interdisciplinary research in a wide range of areas – natural sciences, engineering, and humanities. The most important factors facilitating the growth of competitiveness will be a further intensification of research in those subject areas, where SFedU already excels (the study of the local atomic structure of matter, synthetic chemistry, high-performance systems, and methods of data analysis); consistent increase in the amount of research (biomedicine, decision-making, smart control systems); development of multi-disciplinary projects; knowledge convergence as the basis for the generation of new ideas and emergence of new research areas.

    SFedU conducts breakthrough research in the following fields: artificial intelligence, smart control systems, neuromorphic technologies, biomedicine; photonic, quantum, and molecular computing; additive manufacturing; radio physics, and space physics.

    The University carries out fundamental and applied research in five broad research areas:

    • Robotics, control systems, navigation, and communications;
    • Information Technologies. Nanotechnologies, Smart Materials;
    • Medicine of the Future, Biotechnologies;
    • Innovation Ecosystem of Azov and Black Sea Basin;
    • Geopolitics, Geoeconomics and Social and Economic Development Projects of the South of Russia, Caucasus.


    SFedU Students Union is actively involved in the coordination of sporting and cultural events. It also deals with students’ social problems and assists academically excellent students in obtaining special scholarships and grants.

    SFedU Sport Clubs 

    • arm wrestling
    • badminton
    • basketball
    • beach volleyball
    • cheerleading
    • chess and checkers
    • darts
    • football
    • futsal
    • gymnastics
    • handball
    • judo
    • martial arts
    • mountaineering
    • orienteering
    • parachuting
    • rhythmic gymnastics
    • rock climbing
    • rugby
    • sailing
    • sambo (Russian martial art and combat sport)
    • sports hiking
    • swimming
    • table tennis
    • track and field
    • taekwondo
    • volleyball
    • weightlifting/powerlifting
    • wrestling (Greco-Roman and freestyle)
    • wushu


    The total capacity of student dormitories is almost 4,500 beds. the university has the opportunity to accommodate all international students in its hostels.

    The student is provided with a furnished double room with free access to the kitchen, bathroom, and recreation area. We ask all students to adhere to the rules of living in a hostel and tolerantly treat all other students.



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