
Pushchino State University

    Pushchino State University

    The university was organized by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 834 of October 29, 1992, at the suggestion of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Committee for Higher Education of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of Russia as Pushchino State University (PushSU). By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2264 dated September 6, 2011, it was renamed Pushchino State Institute of Natural Science

    An important feature of the university is that the Pushchino State Natural Science Institute is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and members and employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences manage the educational programs of the educational process. PushGENI is one of the few universities in Russia where the education received at the university has a clear focus on the subsequent activities of the graduate.

    For 25 years of functioning, the Pushchino State Natural Science Institute has fully justified the idea of its creation. The idea of integrating experimental/theoretical science and the process of education and training of highly qualified intellectual specialists were put into practice.


    The educational process and practices are carried out at 11 basic faculties using exclusive equipment and research laboratories of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rospotrebnadzor, and high-tech specialized companies.

    • Faculty of Microbiology and Biotechnology
    • Faculty of Biological Safety
    • Faculty of Cell Biology
    • Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
    • Faculty of BioMedPharmTechnological
    • Faculty of Biophysics and Biomedicine
    • Faculty of Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology
    • Faculty of Astrophysics and Radio Astronomy
    • Faculty of Industrial Technology
    • Faculty of Digital Technologies
    • Faculty of Economics, Management, and Law
    • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens
    • Faculty of secondary vocational education


    The Faculty of BioMedPharmTechnological was established in 1995 to train highly qualified scientific personnel in the design of biologically active protein-peptide substances, as well as specialists who own the fundamentals of this field of knowledge, including the isolation of new proteins and peptides, their synthesis, the establishment of a spatial structure in solution and crystal, a study of the biological activity of natural and modified compounds in a wide range of tests.

    During the training, students work in the research laboratories of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences on topical scientific projects. The results of the work are presented in scientific publications in Russian and foreign journals with a high citation index.

    During the study, the opportunity to participate in Russian and international conferences is provided.

    Students are involved in work in Russian and international projects carried out in the laboratories of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


    The faculty provides training in the areas of 01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Science, 11.03.02 Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems, and 01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics.

    Graduates of the programs can understand the essence and significance of information in the development of the modern information society, be aware of the dangers and threats that arise in this process, the skills to comply with the basic requirements of information security, including the protection of state secrets, to master the basic methods, methods, and means of obtaining, storing, information processing.

    The acquired knowledge and unique experience make graduates competitive personnel for work in research and science-intensive organizations around the world.


    The goal of the Faculty of Economics, Management, and Law is to develop innovatively and implement professional educational programs that combine modules of economic, managerial, legal, and biotechnological disciplines that allow students to develop managerial, including anti-crisis and entrepreneurial competencies that ensure the competitiveness of biotechnological graduates in the context of digitalization. , food and processing industries, and the pharmaceutical industry within the framework of the Federal Project “Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship”, aimed at increasing the entrepreneurial potential of the country.


    The main activity of the preparatory department for foreign citizens is training in an additional general education program that provides training for foreign citizens and stateless persons to master professional educational programs in Russian.


    The development of innovative pharmaceuticals requires not only a high-tech research base but also modern research methods based on molecular genetic and cellular approaches. Compliance with standard operating procedures and compliance with the regulations per the regulatory requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia XIII in force in the Russian Federation, as well as the international WHO and ICH guidelines for the development of medicines, are mandatory attributes when performing any research work on pharmaceutical development. Highly qualified personnel and modern equipment of the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology make it possible to successfully develop cell platforms for obtaining lines that stably express recombinant proteins with high yield and proper quality. The Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology also develops efficient technological solutions for the production and purification of target proteins. New, effective algorithms are being created aimed at achieving the similarity of preparations based on monoclonal antibodies using cell line and upstream development approaches, as well as expert evaluation in the field of recombinant protein production technologies.


    The laboratory was created to solve problems together with specialized institutes and organizations of priority strategic educational and scientific and technical tasks at the intersection of biology and medicine:

    • Training in the main general education programs (bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate) – researchers of a biological profile
    • Development of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of biology and medicine
    • Development, testing, and implementation of modern methods, biological and medical research
    • Training courses
    • Laboratory animals in biomedical research
    • Medical safety test methods
    • Principles of Good Laboratory Practice
    • Fundamentals of experimental research


    Student years are a time of bright, interesting, and unforgettable impressions in the life of every student. This is the time when a person is full of energy, feelings, and emotions, interesting ideas and plans, creative ideas and optimism, and open to his development and improvement. Within the framework of cultural work, public, cultural events are organized, and conditions are created for the development of student’s creative abilities

    The purpose of the direction: The development of the creative potential of students and the organization of leisure activities during the extracurricular time.

    Direction tasks:

    • Development of the student’s creative potential
    • Education of tolerance among students from around the world (“International Students’ Day”)
    • Opportunity to demonstrate organizational skills
    • Possibility of self-expression through own poems, poems, stories, and scenarios
    • The opportunity to receive bonuses in the form of incentive awards: increased scholarships for students participating in cultural activities and having awards in a particular field (singing, dancing, theater, photography, painting, etc.)
    • The opportunity to become in demand and authoritative among other students, as well as among other universities, to gain some status and prospects
    • Proper, useful, and interesting spending of extracurricular time
    • Satisfaction of needs in intellectual, cultural, and moral development.


    All rooms are equipped with the necessary equipment for a comfortable stay for students:

    • beds;
    • tables;
    • chairs;
    • wardrobes;
    • bedside tables;

    Accommodation: 4-6-seater.

    Each resident is provided with:

    • bedding (blanket, pillow, mattress);
    • bed linen (sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase).

    On the floor there is a kitchen, it is equipped with:

    • sink;
    • electric stoves;
    • Microwave oven;
    • tables and chairs.


    • Gym;
    • Laundry with self-service;
    • Access to the Internet via Wi-Fi;
    • Library, incl. electronic;
    • Table tennis;
    • Lounge areas with TV;
    • Classrooms for classes.


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