
National University of Science and Technology“MISiS” “Chemical Faculty”

    National University of Science and Technology“MISiS” “Chemical Faculty”


    The history of the University of Science and Technology MISIS began more than a hundred years ago, when the Moscow Mining Academy was established in 1918, in which a metallurgical department was opened. The university was constantly expanding, and already in 1921 the departments were transformed into faculties, and by 1930 the academy was divided into six independent institutes.

    To date, three of them – the Institute of Steel, Non-Ferrous Metals and the Mining Institute have again merged into one educational institution – the University of Science and Technology MISIS.

    Many university graduates are legends of the Soviet industry, so-called “steel people’s commissars”. So, for many years, ferrous metallurgy of the USSR was headed by Ivan Fedorovich Tevosyan, non-ferrous metallurgy was led by Petr Fadeevich Lomako, listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest work in ministerial posts, the coal industry developed under the leadership of Dmitry Grigorievich Onika and Boris Fedorovich Bratchenko. The “Atomic Project” of the Land of the Soviets was led to success by the first rector of the Moscow Institute were Avraamy Pavlovich Zavenyagin, Efim Pavlovich Slavsky and Vasily Semenovich Emelyanov.

    During the Great Patriotic War, a strategic task was set for the institutes – the training of qualified personnel, in which there was an acute shortage. Despite all the difficulties, including the need to practically re-form the teaching staff, universities managed to cope and sharply increased the number of graduates. It was for the training of personnel on February 23, 1944 that MISiS received its first award – the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

    After the end of the war, the approach to training changed significantly. Previously, MISiS focused on training specialists for work at factories, and in the post-war years, considerable attention began to be paid to research work.

    In 1948, the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry was opened at MIS, which trained specialists for research organizations, the nuclear and defense industries. In 1962, the Faculty of Semiconductor Materials and Devices was opened, after which the university was renamed the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

    In the years 1960-80, there was an active growth and surge of interest in the exact and natural sciences throughout the country. At that time, unique scientific schools were finally formed in universities, which were and remain among the best in the country, being competitive both in Russia and around the world.

    MISIS University scientists are recognized all over the world and compete on equal terms with professors and teachers of the world’s largest scientific centers. Thus, from 1976 to 1991, the Department of Theoretical Physics of MISiS was headed by Aleksey Alekseevich Abrikosov, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2003 for “fundamental work on the theory of superconductors and superfluid liquids”, most of the research for which was carried out at our university. And today, a large number of world-famous scientists work at the MISIS University.

    In 2000, the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys became a laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of education quality.

    On October 7, 2008, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, MISiS became the first Russian university to receive the status of the National Research Technological University.

    About University

    The MISIS University of Science and Technology is one of the most dynamically developing scientific and educational centers in the country.

    Today, the university includes 8 institutes, which train specialists in more than 30 areas of training. Reception lead:

    • Institute of Basic Education;
    • Institute of Ecotechnologies and Engineering;
    • Institute of New Materials and Nanotechnologies;
    • mining institute;
    • Institute of Economics and Management of Industrial Enterprises. V.A. Romenets;
    • Institute of Information Technology and Computer Science.

    The university also includes 6 branches – four in Russia and two abroad. MISIS University has more than 20,000 students, 25% of them are students from 86 countries of the world.

    More than 40 world-class laboratories and engineering centers, employing leading Russian and foreign scientists, are searching for the most breakthrough areas, implementing joint projects with partners – the largest research organizations and high-tech companies in the world. At the university, much attention is paid to the practical training of future specialists – in the process of learning, students conduct research, prepare joint projects and undergo internships. University teachers use modern teaching methods: interactive methods are widely used in the classroom, business cases are solved that develop the professional competencies of future specialists. World-class scientists work in the laboratories, joint projects are being implemented with the largest Russian and foreign high-tech companies.

    Extra-curricular life is developed at the university, the Student Council works to help students implement initiatives. Students go in for sports, choreography, vocals and music, shoot videos about the life of the university for social networks, and participate in theatrical performances. In the sports programming section and in the student design bureau, the guys translate their ideas in the field of modeling, design and industrial design into real projects.

    The University has created and operates the International Friendship Club, which helps foreign students quickly adapt to life in Russia, make new friends, improve their language skills and successfully prepare for the exam.


    Hostels of MISIS University are the pride of our university. High-speed Internet, computer classes and a reading room: there is everything for studying and comfortable rest. The MISIS University campuses have a developed infrastructure: a swimming pool, a sports complex, a hairdresser, a cafe and a canteen, an independent boiler room and a laundry.

    The Metallurg campus consists of four 16-storey buildings within a 15-minute metro ride from educational buildings (Belyayevo metro station). Metallurg took the first place in the competition for the best hostels in Moscow for three years in a row.

    The Gornyak campus consists of two 15-storey buildings within a five-minute metro ride from educational buildings (metro station Leninsky Prospekt).

    The Commune House is not only a hostel, but also an architectural monument of the constructivism era. In 2013, its reconstruction was completed, and now undergraduates and graduate students of MISIS live here.

    Life is always in full swing on the territory of Doma-Kommuny: on September 17, 2019, the Tochka Kipenia – Commune co-working was opened here. The Tochka Kipenia hosts the Competence Center of the National Technology Initiative for Quantum Communications



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