
Kursk State Medical University

    Kursk State Medical University


    • Kursk State Medical University
    • Kursk State Medical Institute
    • Kursk State Medical Academy
    • Kursk State Medical School

    Established in 1935, Kursk State Medical University is one of the top 10 best Russian Medical Universities. Among other achievements, KSMU was the first University in Russia to offer students a full Medical training program in English language.

    1984 becomes a university of the first category. In 1985 university was awarded with the Red Banner Order. In 1994, the institution is assigned the status of University.

    In 2008 in KSMU studied 3093 students. The number of teachers in 2008 was 625. In 2007, university was at the 25-29 position in the ranking of medical schools Education Ministry of Russia

    Since 2010, based in the Faculty of KSMU “Middle professional education” was opend a training which was aimed at for preparing the middle class professionals (medical assistants, dental technicians). Training was conducted for students of higher education, with the same teachers and the same training equipment with the passing of educational practice in the same hospitals and clinics.

    In 2012 KSMU merged with “Kursk Medical and Pharmaceutical College”


    • International Students
    • Medical Faculty
    • Pharmaceutical Faculty
    • Stomatology Faculty
    • Paediatric Faculty
    • Higher Nursing Faculty
    • Medico Prevention Faculty
    • Economy Faculty
    • Biotechnology Faculty
    • Clinical Psychology Faculty
    • Social Work Faculty
    • Post Diploma Education
    • Pre Diploma Education


    Hostel is very close to the University (about 5 to 10 minutes walking distance).

    All hostels are supplied with cold and hot water and central heating system, each room contains beds, a desk, chairs and storage space.

    There are 2 types of room provided:

    2 sitters room ( one room shared by 2 students)
    3 sitters room (one room shared by 3 students)



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    a seat now!