
Irkutsk National Research Technical University

    Irkutsk National Research Technical University

    History of University  

    In Irkutsk, the origins of vocational and technical education are associated with the opening in 1745 of a navigation school, which in 1754 was transformed into a school of navigation and geodesy, and in 1789 was attached to the Main Public School – an educational institution of a higher level. Here they taught general education disciplines, architecture, geometry, mechanics and physics.

    In 1805, the Main Public School came under the full jurisdiction of the men’s gymnasium, which was then opened in Irkutsk, whose pupils had the right to enter universities after graduation.

    In 1893, another specialized secondary educational institution was opened – the Irkutsk Mining School, the main task of which was to train foreman-installers for the needs of the mining business, and especially for the gold industry. The duration of training was determined at 4 years.

    In 1918, the school was transformed into a secondary mining technical school, and in 1920 – into the Irkutsk Polytechnic College. But soon the technical school was reorganized into the Irkutsk Polytechnic Practical Institute.

    Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, all educational institutions were temporarily transferred to the maintenance of the local budget.

    In August 1923, the Irkutsk Polytechnic Practical Institute was reorganized into the East Siberian Polytechnic of regional significance.

    Subsequently, the polytechnic became the basis for the opening of the Siberian Mining Institute in Irkutsk.

    In March 1929, Irkutsk became the center of the Siberian gold mining industry – the board of the joint stock company Soyuzzoloto was transferred here from Moscow, a scientific and technical center for gold and platinum was created here.

    Priority tasks in 1941-1945 were: scientific developments for the military industry, all-round assistance to the front, preservation of the contingent of students, admission of new replenishment, the timely release of specialists. These tasks had to be carried out in extremely difficult conditions.

    On March 19, 1960, the Mining and Metallurgical Institute became known as the Polytechnic Institute.

    The new status of the university was confirmed by decree No. 6 of November 30, 1994 and license No. 16 G-082 of March 6, 1994 of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and later a certificate of attestation of an educational institution (1997), state accreditation (1998), which gives the right to conduct educational activities in the field of secondary, higher, postgraduate, professional additional education.

    The University, its scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the economy of the Irkutsk region, the East Siberian region, the CIS countries.

    On May 20, 2010 ISTU was awarded the status of “National Research University”

    Today Irkutsk National Research Technical University is one of the 100 best universities in Russia. Over 17 thousand students study at INRTU in 115 educational programs. Currently, the university employs 973 full-time scientific and pedagogical workers, including 109 doctors and 586 candidates of sciences. The university includes: 10 institutes, 7 faculties, 2 technical schools and 1 college.

    On the campus of the university there are 10 main educational buildings, 12 hostels, dwelling houses of teachers, a clinic, a sanatorium, a sports complex, shops, cafes, canteens, as well as a technopark.

    The mission of the university is to provide high-quality, affordable, modern education, transformed through the development of scientific and educational technologies for graduates of a new formation, capable of practical implementation of the knowledge gained in science, production, and entrepreneurial activity.

    University values:

    • High quality of graduate training that meets the requirements of society and the state
    • Responsibility for the effectiveness of the implementation of tasks by the university assigned to it by the state and society, for the quality provision of the demands of consumers of educational and other services
    • Information transparency and accessibility of the intellectual potential of the university, readiness for fruitful cooperation with students, potential employers and other interested parties.
    • Democracy in management, elective leadership, collegiality in decision-making, personnel reserve
    • The leading role of the university leadership, an innovative approach in determining and implementing the development priorities of the university
    • Cohesion of university staff, support for family values
    • The fundamental role of the educational and scientific activities of the university as the foundation for high-quality training of students.
    • Continuity and continuity, the unity of teaching, research and educational process within the walls of the university
    • Respect for the individual, observance of social, national, religious and other principles of equality of employees and students, creating comfortable conditions for creativity and development
    • Social responsibility in the field of educational activities, training of professionals in demand in the labor market, guarantees for veterans, young professionals and other categories of university employees
    • Optimal conditions for free creativity, raising the level of education, professional development and self-expression of university staff
    • Availability of infrastructure and material and technical base, ensuring high quality of educational, scientific, cultural and social activities of the university
    • Integration into the world educational, scientific and cultural space
    • High human potential, social guarantees for employees
    • Qualitative development of the personnel potential of the university: a sufficient level of qualifications of managers and scientific and pedagogical workers (NDP) in all areas of knowledge covered by the educational programs implemented by the university; the share of teaching staff who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) is at least 66%; systematic advanced training and professional retraining of teaching staff, including internships on the basis of specialized modern organizations in Russia and abroad; participation of academic staff in research (creative) projects on the profile of educational programs implemented by the university, annual publications based on the results of research (creative) activities in leading domestic and foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications; attraction to the educational process of highly qualified production specialists, employees of scientific and design organizations.

    International activity

    INRTU was the first of the universities of the Siberian Federal District to integrate into the international educational, scientific, cultural and information space created on its basis the Eurasian Open University (EUROU), uniting scientific, educational, innovative, cultural and other organizations of Russia, Europe and Asia.

    The university offers training in the following specialties:

    • Economy
    • Management
    • Jurisprudence
    • Ecology and nature management
    • Architecture
    • Urban planning
    • Construction
    • Informatics and computer technology
    • Information systems and technologies
    • Information Security
    • Journalism
    • Radio engineering
    • Heat power engineering and heat engineering
    • Electricity and electrical engineering
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Mechatronics and Robotics
    • Chemical Technology
    • Biotechnology
    • Technosphere safety
    • Oil and gas business
    • Land management and cadastres
    • Metallurgy
    • Technology of transport processes
    • Design
    • Applied Geology
    • Mining
    • Economic security, etc.

    Scientific activity

    Research is the heart of INRTU

    Over the more than 90-year history of INRTU, the university has grown from the Siberian Mining School to the National Research University. Currently, the university is developing research in the field of technical, humanitarian and natural sciences. The main vector of research is aimed at the interests of the region, namely: oil and gas production, electric power and heat power engineering, aircraft construction, IT technologies, etc.

    INRTU research has a real impact on more than just academia. They are at the forefront of finding solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems, striving to become a global force for positive change. This allows us to successfully cooperate with large enterprises and business representatives, as well as introduce our own developments. University’s research brings new knowledge, ideas and solutions that lead to real changes in the world and change people’s lives for the better.

    Extracurricular activities

    Extracurricular life, along with educational, is the most important area of ​​activity of INRTU.

    The administration of the University, public organizations of the university, as well as numerous student associations are actively involved in this. The range of their activities is so wide that each student will find an opportunity to develop their abilities.


    All foreign students are provided with a hostel.

    In fact, the campus of INRTU is the only campus in the city where the entire infrastructure of the university is concentrated in a temperate territory: academic buildings, student hostels, canteens, a student clinic and sanatorium, stadiums and other sports facilities, as well as shops, banks, post office.

    The campus has its own security service that takes care of students and staff.

    INRTU has 17 hostels for students from different cities and foreign students. Inside the hostel, you can find everything that students need. The hostels provide comfortable and safe conditions for students. Each hostel has a gym, study and relaxation room. Students love to live on campus if they are looking for cheap accommodation with a strong sense of the student community.

    Clubs and activities on campus

    As an INRTU student, you can access a range of clubs and activities to help you make the most of university life and succeed in your studies. Each student will find an opportunity to develop their potential.

    Luckily for you, there is a club for almost everything. Whether you want to connect with people of the same culture or religion as you, take up a new sport, or learn about your favorite technologies, INRTU can help you. The campus is open to everyone to enjoy many facilities and activities.

    About Irkutsk

    Irkutsk is a unique, ancient city, an ancient crossroads of trade routes, the capital of Eastern Siberia. It is located at a distance of 5042 kilometers from Moscow and is located on the banks of the Angara River, 63 kilometers from Lake Baikal. The territory of the city of Irkutsk occupies 27998 hectares.

    Irkutsk was founded as a prison in 1661 on the right bank of the Angara, in 1686 it was given the status of a city, since 1764 – the center of the Irkutsk province. Irkutsk is located at the intersection of transport routes connecting the west and east of Russia, as well as Russia with China and Mongolia. The Trans-Siberian railway and the federal highway M-55 Moscow-Vladivostok pass through Irkutsk. Irkutsk International Airport is an important stopover point for airlines connecting the airports of Southeast Asia and the Far East with the European part of Russia and the CIS countries.

    The recreational potential of Lake Baikal is of great interest for investment. The area of ​​territories suitable for the development of ecological tourism reaches several tens of thousands of square kilometers. According to forecast estimates, up to 2 million people can rest on the coast of Lake Baikal annually.

    Modern Irkutsk is a historical city, successfully combining the grandeur and originality of the historical center and quarters of modern buildings, the traditions of the most intelligent and cultural Siberian city with a modern industrial, scientific and educational potential, developed infrastructure.

    There are four administrative districts in Irkutsk – Pravoberezhny, Oktyabrsky, Sverdlovsky and Leninsky.

    Irkutsk today is a large administrative, industrial, commercial, cultural and scientific center of Eastern Siberia, in which more than 600 thousand people live. The ethnic composition of the city’s population is diverse and comprises over 120 nationalities.

    Irkutsk is a modern city with unique architecture, special atmosphere and many interesting places worth visiting. There you will find many cafes, restaurants, shops and shopping centers, green gardens and picturesque promenades, theaters, museums, art galleries, libraries and, of course, friendly residents.

    According to the Russian Weather Service 1, the climate in Russia is getting warmer, so the famous Russian frosts have become a rarity. Unlike many western and eastern countries, central heating is available in all homes and public buildings during winter. Heaters also operate on public transport during the winter months. When you’re in your hostel room, classroom, bus, cafe, museum, or any other public place, you’re unlikely to catch a cold. However, it is recommended that you take your winter and fall clothing seriously. To withstand the Russian frosts, you need not be afraid of the cold, but dress warmly. In autumn, you can get by with a light coat or raincoat, and in winter you will need warm coats and boots, a cap and gloves.

    As a student at INRTU, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with Irkutsk and Irkutsk regions, expand your horizons about Siberian people, their culture and nature.

    • Population 700,000 people
    • 9 research institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is -15 C, in July +25 C.
    • Time zone GMT +08:00
    • 16 universities
    • 107 cultural institutions
    • The center of Irkutsk is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
    • 1215 historical monuments


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