
Chelyabinsk State University

    Chelyabinsk State University


    Guided by the major principles of mutual understanding and respect for human beliefs, ideas, and intentions, Chelyabinsk State University supports and motivates students in choosing the path of study and acquiring highly professional skills and field knowledge. It is the first classic university to be established in Chelyabinsk in 1976.

    Set up with the vision to train future professionals in the most sought-after fields and follow international educational standards, CSU offers over 200 programs taught at 19 faculties. As a member of the Association of Classical Universities of Russia, the Eurasian Universities Association, and the International Association of Universities created under the auspices of UNESCO, Chelyabinsk State University has been in cooperation with over 50 partner organizations including universities, institutes, and research centers in Europe, Asia and neighboring countries.​


    • Faculty of Biology
    • Faculty of Chemistry
    • Faculty of Distance Learning
    • Faculty of Ecology
    • Faculty of Economics
    • Faculty of Eurasia and East
    • Faculty of History and Philology
    • Faculty of Journalism
    • Faculty of Linguistics and Translation
    • Faculty of Mathematics
    • Faculty of Physics
    • Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy
    • Institute of Economics of Industry, Business and Administration
    • Institute of Information Technologies
    • Institute of Law
    • Institute of Professional Development and Retraining
    • Faculty of Management


    Management Faculty was founded in 1996 to train highly qualified professionals in governmental or municipal management and private administration. Nowadays the Faculty acts as a modern and dynamic educational CSU complex.

    Management Faculty is:

    • Multilevel system of education: (Bachelor – Master – postgraduate student – Ph.D. – Doctor of Science)
    • Classical education (in administrative, economical, and legal disciplines), which allows one to be successfully employed in the future;
    • Modern educational technologies: score-rating system, multimedia equipment, interactive educational methods;
    • Possible internships in public and local government authorities or in city/region-leading enterprises;
    • A blend of theorists and practitioners in teaching personnel that allows students to acquire knowledge and skills in management;
    • Intense campus life: By participating in student autonomy one can develop leadership skills, implement creative ambitions, and sportive potential, and be engaged in scientific work.


    The Institute of Information Technologies of Chelyabinsk State University was founded in 2009.

    The main aim of the Institute is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of information technologies according to modern educational standards with the further realization of practical experience in the field of information technology. There are more than 1000 students enrolled at the Institute.

    The IT Institute curriculum is focused on an in-depth study of professional disciplines, covers practical tasks, and studies modern IT technologies which provide 60% of the learning process time. The curriculum is always agreed upon with the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Information Technology.


    ​The Institute is one of the largest CSU structural units. Institute work is focused on providing a wide range of high-quality educational services in the field of higher or secondary vocational education and the conduction of scientific research of conceptual and applied character. Bachelor’s program of the institute of industry sector economics, business, and administration

    Bachelor’s programs with economic, engineering, and management profiles.

    • Economy
    • Ma​management
    • Quality management
    • System analysis and administration
    • Innovation studies

    A high level of knowledge of CSU bachelor degree students is reached through the application of a modern and comprehensible credit-unit system, extensive and rational use of communication/education technologies, and a competent approach to curriculum moderation, which is obvious for employees.

    The main skill you will master is the ability to justify and make up management decisions, carry out an in-depth analysis of economic woes and devise various functional strategies for enterprises on their basis


    ​Legal education refers to a prestigious job and assured career progression.

    The Faculty of Law was founded recalling the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, dated March 7, 1991 (№81), and the order of the CSU Rector, dated May 13, 1991 (№ 1781).

    On August 27, 2013, the Faculty of Law was renamed into the Institute of Law (order № 404-1).

    ​The students who study jurisprudence can specialize in one of three areas: State Law, Civil Law, and Criminal Law.

    The Institute provides education on the following qualifications:

    030900 «Jurisprudence»:

    Bachelor degree

    Master’s degree (Master’s programs «Constitutional Law, Municipal Law», «Civil Law, Commercial Law», «Criminal Law, Criminal and Penal Law, Criminology», «International Law, European Law», «Civil Practice, Arbitration proceedings», «Labour Law and Social Security Law».

    030901.65 «Homeland Security Law Enforcement»

    031001.65 «Law enforcement activities»

    Apart from general and obligatory courses, the Institute offers a law practice laboratory and various scientific interest groups with more than 500 participants. All the students take an active part in scientific conferences and seminars.


    The history of CSU international cooperation started back in 1994 when the University first began acting as a member of the TEMPUS program. Back then it was a partnership with such respected European universities as Amsterdam University, University of Westminster, Metropolitan University, Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (University of Science and Technology, Lille), and Katholische Universitat Eichstätt-Ingolstadt​ (Eichstatt-Ingolstadt Catholic University) that played the crucial role in the foundation and future successful functioning of the CSU international cooperation program.​

    Opening of Master programs marks the second step in international cooperation for CSU. Together with the CSU participation in the Diploma Supplement program, this made CSU one of the important actors in the international, particularly European, educational arena.

    The third part of CSU integration in the world educational community and its international cooperation history is marked by the revolutionary changes in the very approach to educating students and to the further estimation of their knowledge. The Credit-Module System was introduced in CSU on an experimental basis, while the Point-Rating System of student knowledge estimation has become the usual instrument of control of their work.


    Chelyabinsk State University has been successfully developing more than thirty scientific schools. 65% of CSU lecturers have a scientific degree. Candidates of science and associate professors make up 51%; doctors and professors – 14%.

    The range of scientists whose works are financed by grants from the European Commission like “Tempus”, as well as the President of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region, and scientific funds: such as Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFFI), Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RGNF) increases gradually.


    The dormitory is a nine-story building. Students are accommodated in rooms for 2 and 3 people. Maximum of 30 students can ​ live on one floor​. There are one kitchen and room with one washing machine on each floor.



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